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Kansas Wesleyan University

Grow intellectually and spiritually

Having a place to connect, to be welcomed and to grow together is so important in life, and perhaps doubly so during your college years. That’s why KWU’s Campus Ministry team intentionally works to provide a space where young adults can gather and grow together. Each person’s individual faith journey can be shaped through small groups, regional events and national opportunities, and we work to purposefully connect students with area congregations. We also provide on-campus worship opportunities and help our students put their faith into action in the community.

Campus Ministry’s Work Includes:

  • Providing individual chaplains for each athletic team, Fine Arts, DECA, Education, Criminal Justice/Emergency Management and Nursing
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • One-on-One discipleship
  • Worship (Chapel)
  • Rise Up! Praise Band
  • Life groups/small groups/Bible studies
  • Campus Ministry and FCA internships
  • Campus serve local missions
  • Assistance in connecting with local churches

Through all this and more, KWU’s Campus Ministry program is a key part of what it means to be a Coyote. Want to know more? Email Campus Pastor Scott Jagodzinske or check out this informational flyer.

Click here to view the 2024-25 Campus Ministry events (schedule subject to change) for students, faculty and staff.

Pastoral Care

Getting direction for your spiritual life

Campus Ministry Team

Our Campus Ministry has a great team approach to speaking into the lives of students, faculty, staff and coaches. The Campus Ministry team serves the whole campus, and is available for personal counseling, religious and vocational counseling and spiritual guidance.

Ministry Team

Team Chaplains

  • Rev. Eric Meyer
  • Rev. Chelse Shrack
  • Rev. Libby Themis
  • Dr. Allen Smith
  • Terry Baldwin
  • Dr. Ralita Cheeks
  • Deb Heron
  • Darren Pittenger
  • Richard Fitzgerald
  • Blaine Heron
  • Alora Pittinger

Campus Ministry Interns

  • Shanya Murape
  • Avery Smith
  • Barron Talbott
  • Tori Wlordcyzk
  • Gianna Adriaanse

FCA Interns

  • Jada Renner
  • Aidyn Lagergren
  • Gavin Chavez
  • Jacob Marshall
  • Coulson Riggs
  • Abigail Steinfort
  • Mariah Jones
  • Elissa Sorell
  • Junior Akintunde


There are numerous opportunities for members of the UMC to receive scholarships and loan assistance to attend Kansas Wesleyan University. In some cases, a 50% scholarship is available in addition to money from the Dollars for Scholars program. Combined with a robust financial aid package, these offerings enhance KWU’s status as a great faith-based learning option!

For more information on scholarships or financial assistance, please check out The General Board of Higher Education & Ministry and The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation.

Internships and Service-Learning Opportunities

Internship and service-learning opportunities are available through the Campus Ministry office. We prioritize helping students in fulfilling Kansas Wesleyan University’s mission to serve the church, community, and the world by providing a variety of resources for educational, cultural, and spiritual enrichment. 

  • There is a Fellowship of Christian Athletes scholarship available to students selected to intern with KWU’s FCA program. For more information, please contact KWU’s FCA Coordinator, Aaron Glendening.
  • Campus Ministry Interns : Every year we select students to intern with Campus Ministry in several Areas , including social media, worship, Rise Up! (praise band), spiritual life/small groups, Campus Serve/Missions). Interns will support and promote opportunities to explore the richness of a faith journey. Interns are ambassadors who welcome, honor, and celebrate people of all faith traditions, spiritualities, and identities. They are committed to building community and creating inclusive spaces for prayer, meaning-making, and spiritual development. Applications are available in the Spring (incoming Freshmen are invited to apply), contact Scott Jagodzinske to learn more and apply.
  • Local United Methodist Churches offer internships in a variety of areas throughout the year: youth, children’s or music ministry, congregational care, office assistance, childcare, senior care and more. To apply or learn more, contact Kylee Gregg or Scott Jagodzinske.
  • Other local ministry internships are posted at the Campus Ministry Office periodically.

Ecumenical Religious Life Opportunities

Kansas Wesleyan University intends to provide an active, diversified religious life program designed to meet the total range of spiritual development needs. Organizations that help us to create an ecumenical ministry setting includes the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Christian Challenge and partnerships with local churches. These organizations work with and alongside the KWU Campus Ministry to aid/increase opportunities for fellowship, community service and celebration. Spiritual resource persons are also available to students, faculty, staff and coaches.

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  • Campus pastor speaking at event


“Worship Project”

Third Monday of each Month @ University UMC (across from Memorial Library)  

The Worship Project is our campus-wide worship service. This is a time to pause, and join to together as a community to celebrate and worship. The Worship Project is a Christian worship service that seeks to incorporate a variety of styles and music, led by House band, Rise Up!

At KWU Campus Ministry, we believe that worship is our response to God, personally and corporately, for who God is and for the great things He has done! We desire to worship God personally by living lives that are pleasing to God (Romans 12:1), by reading and meditating upon His Word, and through constant prayer (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

You are welcome to join and enjoy a community of spiritual seekers looking for a deeper connection and campus revival seeking God. Are you interested in being part of the Refuge team? We welcome you to share your gifts and passions.

Learn more or join our Chapel Planning Team and/or play with Rise Up! (Chapel Band).

Life Groups/Small Groups

Our goal in these groups is to glorify God through learning truth, praying for each other, deepening friendships and reaching out to others. These groups cater to real-life issues that young people face in their post-high school years. We have Small Groups/Life Groups throughout the week, groups for men, women and co-ed.

See Weekly Ministry Flyer for times, dates and locations.


Blessings on the Go

Prayer can be an important part of the faith journey at KWU. To have someone pray with you, visit the Blessings on the Go kiosk in the Student Activities Center throughout the week, or just stop by. You can also send prayer requests to Campus Minister Scott Jagodzinske and have it added to a prayer chain list.

KWU Fellowship of Christian Athletes

KWU Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. in Muir Gym. It is not just for athletes and coaches but anyone who wants to attend. KWU’s FCA will be asking for a student-athlete representative from each KWU athletic team. The team representatives will help with the KWU FCA program, prayer for teammates, and act as a liaison between KWU FCA and their team. KWU FCA will consist of games, prayer, discussions, and sermons that are geared towards being a student-athlete and a Christian.

The FCA Mission
To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

The FCA Vision
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

The FCA Values
Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.

We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately, and publicly. (Proverbs 1:3)

We will model Jesus’ example of serving. (John 13:1-17)

We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships. (Philippians 2:1-4)

We will honor and glorify God in all we do. (Colossians 3:23-24)

For more information contact Aaron Glendening.


Join a SERVE Team! SERVE Teams are groups that volunteer at a variety of non-profit organizations across Salina. There is one significant SERVE project each semester. Campus Ministry team members will share details with everyone interested upon request. Contact [email protected] to learn more.